
Showing posts from August, 2018

dystopian dystopia

i'm hollow. i'm empty. i follow. i have plenty. of words left unspoken waiting once again to be broken. of tears going by, never to be seen and left to dry. of love ready to flourish longing for someone who can finally nourish it. properly. improperly. somberly. anomaly. i have faith. i have skepticism. i have hate. i have narcissism. i have a body. destroyed and unemployed, what what what? i'm such a paranoid. used and abused, yes yes yes! my soul has been bruised. that once was pure and obscure, come inside, come inside, would you like a tour? oh! what is that? a knife full a blood? is it mine? did i cause a flood? floodblood bloodflood (interference) oh yes, is it the heavens speaking? count me in that charade, i'm going early, dont wanna miss the full show of decayed. meat. dreams. oh! party! look, there's god himself! hi master of disappointment, am i fucking absolved now? i kind of have an appointment. life calls.

the world has plunged into anarchy, for love's dead and full of vanity

as i'm lying down on the sand of this taciturn beach i suddenly open my eyes and realize i'm dead. i look up at the moon and she looks back at me, she says i'm not alone and that she's there if i need her to be. the sky looks wonderful, illuminated by this big ball of hope. it might seem crazy, but it's been helping me cope. the sand feels warm and cold and sad.. i close my eyes again and my body starts to feel things. i feel like i'm flying with my non existing wings. maybe i should get out of this place.. i think it's making me go mad. i should.. but i don't. i feel safe in here and at home i sure won't. i see someone on the other side of the beach.. maybe i'm finally hallucinating.. it wouldn't be possible for them to be here, who is this person who's so fascinating? meanwhile i'm still here, lying and dying, crying and spying. i'm two meters away from the sea so i can't hear it very well, what is it saying? it sounds like

página de um diário repleto de mágoa

destrói-me e corrói-me e torna-me escravo, seu manipulador detentor daquilo a que chamo amor. prende-me a essas correntes a que chamas mãos, acende-me como uma vela que cedo o vento mata. deixa-me na escuridão sozinho e desprotegido, abusa de mim enquanto ouves o meu gemido. estou vulnerável e tu continuas a explorar-me, serei eu uma mina de ouro ou só um brinquedo da sociedade? preso e indefeso grito e choro sem parar, exteriormente estou apático, já nem consigo respirar. pareço um boneco inanimado sem vida e sem luz.. sirvo para ser usado, já ouço "truz truz!". venham, violadores de corpos sedentos e mortos! apressem-se antes que fiquem à espera do "um, dois, três, chegou a sua vez!". a era da escravatura é mais real do que nunca. olhas para mim e pensas "mas que fofura, que tal sugar-lhe a alma enquanto ela dura?". não tens permissão, não te digo sim nem não. como se isso te fosse parar.. afinal eu nem tenho razão, não é seu in